Security Management
Security Management can often be a challenging puzzle to solve for many organizations, whether they are large or small in scale. With a multitude of active security solutions in place, it can become overwhelming to maintain full-scale visibility and accessibility within a single centralized platform. This fragmented approach can lead to the ineffective detection of suspicious activities and malware, potentially resulting in a security breach. To address this challenge, DigitalOkta will meticulously and thoughtfully navigate your Security Management needs by providing your business with a consolidated one-stop hub. This ensures that your IT security team maintains flexibility and control over all security controls, whether they are on-premises, in the cloud, or part of a hybrid model. We also integrate Microsoft Azure into your business, providing the added flexibility to synchronize with non-Microsoft security tools and other third-party cloud solutions.

Need for Service
- Obtain thorough and all-encompassing security management.
- Access Microsoft Azure, on-premises, and third-party cloud services.
- Seamlessly integrate with non-Microsoft security tools.
- Receive an actionable plan for enhancing your security posture.
- Get recommendations and implementation support to bolster security.
- Safeguard company, user, and customer data effectively.

- Manage user identities effectively.
- Enhance visibility and oversight.
- Perform IoT security assessments.
- Ensure accessibility across a range of devices.
- Enforce rigorous data security measures.
- Consolidate access management for on-site, cloud, and hybrid environments.
- Maintain complete control through a centralized security management hub.